gecko fly parapente

'cling cling like a lizard to the ceiling
stick close to the side of heaven'
maori kite song

martes, 31 de julio de 2007

gecko fly merchandising

wow! gecko fly have their own t shirts
modeled here by the lovely trudy.
We also have ones for chicos as well as
chicas in different colours and stylies

kath catches a ride!

kath catches the saliente fly site 'house' thermal

this one was a nice 4m/s which took us all the way

up to the inversion at 1550M

edwin vuela!

Edwin antes su vuelo, despues tenia una sonrisa mas grande!

vuelos bi plazas / tandems Liz and Sandy

Liz and Sandy(from Scotland) both flew with Gecko Fly at the weekend, a bit heavier for having lunch at the Restaurant in the Santuario first!
Both fliers (sail planes) themselves they enjoyed the experience of paragliding with nothing between them and the air but a few strings and a bag of washing!
Sandy, apparently not normally given to over enthusiasms was heard to say "very good" when asked about his flight!
You can see more photos of A Fine Day Out at

viernes, 27 de julio de 2007

mucho volando

Its been a busy week for Gecko Fly - latest passengers to
fly Saliente were Luke, Nicky and Lynne (well, almost!).

Hopefully Lynne will be back for more soon and actually
get to fly next time!

Luke and Nicky, dont forget to send us some photos
of you both actually in the air -
we dont seem to have any!

tandem / vuelo biplaza con Kath

Kath missed out on her flight last week when her 72 year old father got priority but second time lucky this week she made it up to the take off again along with family friends and cold beers (salud!) Kath had a fab flight, spotted Dolly and landed light as a feather!

Holly, Daisy and friends!

lunes, 23 de julio de 2007

Alcala la Real (gecko goes bop!)

Off we went to Etnosur festival at Alcala la Real
in Jaen
for a dance, culture and some good tunes
mojitos from cane juice
and very little sleep
fab music especially Gocoo and GoRo y
Son de la frontera check it out!
above photo is of the fortaleza and
church in Alcala la Real. lovely smooth
flight above the town and then not
so nice landing in rotory air !

happy birthday alan!

Alan celebrated his 72 nd birthday by tandem flying with Gecko Fly Parapente - Alan has done over 20 parachute jumps so the take-off at Saliente held no fears for him!

And thanks to Alan's grandchildren, Daisy, Hollyand friends who volunteered their services building the wall!

viernes, 20 de julio de 2007

aerial shot of the Sierra las Estancias
our take off is just right of the centre
The Sierra maria 's are just visable through
the pass at 2020M high

lunes, 16 de julio de 2007

the blorenge

Green green green every shade of green . fantastic!
just got back from a week in wales and this is the
closest we got to flying, a view of the blorenge !
for those who dont know, this is the most loved flying
site in SE Wales. Strong winds , rain and more rain
and then the odd downpour made it unflyable .
but then, you still have to admit its pretty in green !

domingo, 8 de julio de 2007

learn to fly paramotor

Geckofly are planning a paramotor training course in sept/oct
in conjunction with Angel Blancat (el bombero) a FEADA instructor
who is based in Cordoba. Angel will be in this area working with us
to provide a comprehensive training course aimed at complete beginners
as well as those with some paragliding experience . places are limited
and dates have yet to be finalised , however if you are interested
please contact us for more information .

paramotor take off

sábado, 7 de julio de 2007


For those of you lucky to have flown high over Saliente there is a phenomena that the chosen few can observe : that is the 'vision of dolly the sheep'
To put it in context : Saliente the monastery was allegedly built on the site of a 'vision of the virgin' and lovingly referred to as la pequenica (the little one) its obvious to all who come here
that the place not only provides kicking thermals and pleasant evening flying (for the devout)
but there is an air of mystery here, and for the 1000's of pilgrims who flock here in September
this is a deeply spiritual place .
Anyway as you know , Saliente is also the Twin Peaks of the almeriense landscape and although the magical appearance of a sheep on the second peak at 1500M high is not exactly the sort of thing that David Lynch might have scripted, we like to think he would have approved.
so whats so strange about seeing a sheep anyway? well being from wales , errr nothing !
except that firstly this is a very different sort of sheep, we have seen dolly on and off for over 6 years of flying here, we didn't see her for almost 2 years and feared the worst , but this year she's back with many sightings . she always appears on or very near the top of dolly's mount (as its come to be called) and has become so huge , that she bears no similarity to Spanish sheep.
As far as we know there is no obvious water there, very little food and an extremely hard climb
to get up there! the monks abandoned the monastery years ago but could this be a rare and last remaining hermit sheep order?
Dolly seems to like watching us flying past , and we all feel a little privileged when we see her!

jueves, 5 de julio de 2007

aerial photos / aerofotos

high resolution aerial photos of your

casa ,villa, cortijo, finca, development, etc

prices start from €50 for a framed print :

contact us for more details

635243539 : 680358549

vals tandem flight

vuelo bi-plaza con val

Val didn´t get high enough to see Dolly but she perfected her weight shifting skills scratching the hillside below the monastery waiting for that legendary lift - ni arriba ni abajo - next time we´ll take her higher!

miércoles, 4 de julio de 2007

new take off - despegue nuevo

after lots of work saliente now has probably the best
despegue (take off) in almeria !
cleaning the area took months , and then the cover
was put down over three days with lots of wire,

cable ties and bolts , now we will see how long it will
last ! gracias a todos antonio, juan medico, trudy,
jaquin ,jon bon jovi, crab ,pedro ,andreas,
bumble , sam.

gecko fly exhibition / exposicion fotos aéreas

Gecko Fly has an exhibition of aerial photographs at the Restaurant Hospederia Virgen del Saliente for the month of july (at least ) photos of the surrounding area and coast taken from a paramotor available in A4 and A3 sizes as well as a selection of greetings cards

Hay un exposicion de fotos aerea de Gecko Fly en el Restarante del Virgen del Saliente hasta julio o mas. Fotos de este paisaje y la costa saco de un paramotor. Fotos disponible en A4 y A3 y tarjetas postales tambien
