gecko fly parapente

'cling cling like a lizard to the ceiling
stick close to the side of heaven'
maori kite song

domingo, 28 de octubre de 2007

The family light!

Friday we had a break from the wet stuff and off
we went to collado garcia with the light family
in tow .
Tony Light is keen on throwing his children and
their friends off mountains ( attached to pilot and wing of course!)
this time it was the turn of Jo and her friend Jenny to have a tandem
with Gecko Fly.
Tony had carelessly mentioned in an email that if
there was time he would have had a go ... and
what do you know ... there was time je je je
Richard a blues guitarist from
tipped the scales over our weight limit so sorry
Richard no flying until we get a bigger wing!
Vaughan who is doing a bit of training came along
thanks for the retrieves Vaughan, all part of the training!!

Juan medico and Juaquin came along as well
and what lovely flying smoooooth dynamic
soaring with some gentle cloud suck ...chupa chupa!
Juan tried to do an impression of a tree decoration
but when we got the camera out he was on his feet
as if nothing had happened!

domingo, 21 de octubre de 2007

Collado Garcia

yesterday we were flying at collado garcia in the
Sierra Filabres . we got in three (just) tandem flights
in very pleasent air... lots of local pilots turned up
and apart from needing air-traffic control at times
everyone had a good time !

after the flying all the passengers and spectators
had a mission to go and watch england get beaten
by south africa in the rugby!
well we couldnt resist going along and the faces say it all!
here is Sam close to desperation with only a few minutes of
hope left!

Tres pilotos locos!

Hector (phenomeno)

Antonio (la maquiña)

De Bumble (well almost a pilot, but loco seguro )

viernes, 19 de octubre de 2007

learn to fly?

The first stage of learning to fly is learning how
to control the wing on the ground ....suprisingly
this is much harder than the flying bit,
well at least at first! its far easier to learn at the
beach with smooth laminar wind .
Here is vaughn and geoff getting to grips with
the reverse launch near Aguilas

lunes, 15 de octubre de 2007

waiting for the tooth mouse

Ann Marie, her daughter and dad all travelled down from Totana for a tandem - 45 minutes of flying, beautiful patches of sunshine lighting up the plain toward the Sierra Marias. Dolly (the rogue sheep) was looking much whiter after the recent rains!

Ann Maries's daughter Meia was more concerned with her wobbly tooth than whether her mum was ok - you can see a video of their landing below!
Hope the tooth mouse brought you some money!

Ann Marie - aterrizaje con Gecko Fly

la ganadora! Gecko Fly tandem prize!

The winner of the Gecko Fly raffle took up her free flight after three months of plucking up the courage!
Here we see Annette looking worried as it dawns on her that Steve really does mean she has to run off the edge at Saliente!

Annette really enjoyed her flight - so much so that she wanted to fly again - but the rumble of thunder meant she had to have a scary drive down the mountain instead!

sábado, 6 de octubre de 2007

Nice soft landing - Suze's tandem flight

Suze and Al came out with Gecko Fly,
Suze's first time in the air - you can see the video of her flight at
when conditions allow ,we like to take you on
a little cross country flight! a run down the ridge
of 6Km and a chance to spot dolly
and eagles along the way and then to
land in this lovely hay field next to the road

martes, 2 de octubre de 2007


just a couple of nice photos of what
the americans call kiting! we sort
of call it ground handling....
anyway practice practice makes for
better takeoff and flying skills

this is one of our paramotor take off sites
next to the beach near Villaricos
Nice photos trudy and thanks for spotting the
hurculeas transport aircraft ground skimming the
beach just as I was getting ready to take off!!