gecko fly parapente

'cling cling like a lizard to the ceiling
stick close to the side of heaven'
maori kite song

jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2008

a wee beastieee....

we should have been on a flight to the Highlands of Scoootland
tomorrow to attend de Bumble and Sams wedding,
but things are conspiring against us ....not least this wee
clooud that put paid to flying today.
back to normal tommorow, or we start eating the kilt!

miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2008

Tiempo mal

Not a good flying week for us Geckos! Stormy, cloudy and strong easterley winds meant we didnt get much flying done here - but ever optimistic, heres hopeful passengers Terri, Paddy and friends learning all about the alternative activity of para-waiting up on the take off - even the windsock has given up and tied itself in a knot

From helicopter to paraglider

Claire, one of only 80 female helicopter pilots in the UK, came to fly with Gecko Fly Parapente last week - and flew not once, but twice!
Here's Steve getting Claire ready for her flight watched by local pilot Hector.
