gecko fly parapente

'cling cling like a lizard to the ceiling
stick close to the side of heaven'
maori kite song

lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2010

griffon vultures over cortijo al viento

Today was a day where paraglider pilots stay on the ground... we have had gusts well over 100kmh and were in danger of losing solar panels , chimneys and roof tiles
but the first time I have ever seen griffon vultures being blown backwards
a rarity here ! we had a flock of over 30 vultures pinned at the back of our house unable to gain height to cross the sierra estancias

They persevered for about 20mins until they gave up and flew further
west ,where we lost sight of them ,to try there

Trudy admiring a straggler!

and Lupa a bit excited ...waiting for them to land

domingo, 23 de mayo de 2010

sábado, 22 de mayo de 2010

Saliente Skies

Combination of working in uk , crisis continuing in Spain
and a very wet and windy winter have meant we have been
quite ..but not dead ! back to a ever so green spring here
in Almeria and back in the air

Sprinting in Saliente

Chris hadnt flown for we chucked him off first
and as he was going up and down a fair bit. we worked out
there might be some thermals around...

Jerry and Jess have a new dog Dextar but he will have to get
a blue flying suit if he wants to hang out with us

Thanks for the retrieve Jess ...and the Pics

jueves, 18 de febrero de 2010

In flight magazine

Steve's made it into bmi baby's inflight magazine sharing his top tips for visiting Almeria...check out their destination guide here
The monastery at El Saliente, Mojacar chiringuitos and Cala Alto all get a mention!