gecko fly parapente

'cling cling like a lizard to the ceiling
stick close to the side of heaven'
maori kite song

martes, 18 de octubre de 2011

The most amazing PPG race PXP Baza

Booting over the resevoir on the first 100K race

Flying over stunning desert landscapes of the Altiplano
of the Baza plain in Granada

The resevoir surrounding Jabalcon

Stonking in to goal on the last race of the 4 day event.
If you'r not on full speed bar all the time lose

Mathieu Rouanet winner of the comp watching the Acro

Jose and flying Camera man

Jose Navarro. Señor PXP.....director and organizer of the event .

Medio dia ..Domingo ........Pallea gigante!